All Categories - Wildly Beautiful Life Coach
Last weekend I sat on the floor of my beautiful rental home sifting through old paperwork I...
Someone I know on Lopez Island, the place I am now calling home, uttered the words in the title...
A seagull stands atop a roof crest Two seagulls, actually. The second, a few inches down...
Home, where are you? One moment nowhere the next, everywhere. Mostly, home is not here. ...
I've been thinking a lot about letting go over the last couple of weeks. My dear partner and I...
"I hate it!" I announce, on the verge of tears. The abstract art instructor standing by my...
Everyone I've been in contact with recently seems to be in the midst of a significant transition,...
"The intuitive mind (creativity) is a sacred gift and the rational mind (responsibility) a...
I'm not sure I ever knew how stabilizing having a home of my own was until I recently sold my...
"It's my decision," the leader announces to our team, trampling divergent, wise perspectives and...
I went looking for a new house plant yesterday afternoon. One that loved bright, direct light. I...
"Closed for the season," the sign reads as I stand facing my favorite walk to the beach on Lopez...
See that white, floofy flower above? It caught the corner of my eye bouncing gently on the breeze...
Do you see the vibrant colors of these sedums, growing in barely any soil and surrounded by solid...
Does anyone else feel the VERY transitional times we're in? Kindof like Remi and I sitting at...
Before heading off to the land of deep blue skies and rich red earth for a week with Remi, I was...
Today started out hard. The clouds, thick and heavy, masked the sun while a cold north wind...
I started writing my memoir because of a whisper. It's probably why I loved this question when it...
"Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?" That quote is hanging right above my light...
" no more than this: A human creature born abnormally, inhumanly sensitive....
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